2014년 4월 29일 화요일

5 Images which have powerful meanings

You can see that women who wearing a Han-bok, which is the Korean traditional costume, so we can recognize she is may be Korean. She is eating instrant noodle, Korean says 'Ramen', which is very cheap, about $1. But on the right side we also can find a Louis Vuitton bag, and a cup of Starbucks coffee as well. Two of them represents the brand-name products. So this image may be critisize the women who eager for fancy things, but no money though. When I saw this image at the first time, I was deeply ashamed for my self. Because sometimes, I also am desire for fancy things even if I am just a student.

The women wearing a Han-bok as well, and generally Han-bok is not that comfortable. Because it is long and little bit thigt. I think this costume means the society's imprisonment or our own limit. But, as you can see she is riding a bike very freely. I think this means she is eager to overcome her hardship. So I realized,  regardless of how hard the society is, we all need to try get over ourself.  This image gave me big courage which I can do anything no matter the external conditions. Love this image.


She is 'Sang-hwa Lee' who is the boastful look in last winter Olympics. She got a gold medal in women 500m speed skating. People maybe just thought 'Oh, she did a great job.' But they can't imagine how hard she tried, practiced before. However, when we see her foots, we can recognized how many times she put time into her practice and how hard her practice was. Because she had callused her feet. After look closely this imagine, I realized that the 'Practice' is invisible thing. I thought even if nobody knows our pain, we need to make a constant effort.
Plastic surgeries have made an women died. These days, all wome want to look more beautiful. May be plastic surgery is one of these days tendency which is not that good. It is not that safe as well, so sometimes it make the patient to be died. I just want to saying, why all of we need to have a plastic surgery, even if all we have our owen charms. I want to persuade all girls who deeply desire to have a plastic surgery that you really don't need to have it. All we are beauiful, have our  own indentity! Please do not consider that have a plastic surgery.
This picture was taken by some photographer, in Seoul. We can see a high buildings and shabby houses at the same time. The high buildings look like very refined and expensive. In contrast, the shabby houses look like very old and cheap. Even if  live in a nearby place, people's quality of life can be very different. Once see this picture, we can recognize how serious the gap between the rich and the poor. I guess it is not just a problem of Korea. Today's lots of countries all have this problem, and we can't ignore this problem. This picture maybe want to warn us that we need to think about the redistribution of wealth. I felt many things after had a look this picture. I think we should do something for hele them who live in a shabby house. Seriously, what can we do? Or the goverment must make some laws about this problem and try to do resolve this. 

댓글 3개:

  1. I really like 'sang hwa lee' too. At winter olympic I saw her game with nervous. She did it best. and gold medal win. I am really proud of sang hwa lee.
    and fourth picture I agree your idea, but I understand girl who wants to be pretty. That is instinct. and That's not girl fault. Men have a problem too. They always say "Girl has a beauty".

  2. I think same artist draw 1st and 2nd picture. First picture is more interesting than 2nd. It satirized well about some thougtless girls theseday. Do you tell me who the aritst is?? I wonder whether the artist is woman or man.

    I was really surprised when i saw 4th picture. These day so many girls have plastic surgery and someone died during surgery. I think plastic surgery syndrome is from lookism. Inner-side is more important than appearance. But many people don't know about this these day.

  3. I'm absolutely amazed with that image capture of Seoul, effectively capturing both the new, industrialized and richer area vs. the poorer, more traditional one. I think that this image speaks in volumes about the class distinction in Seoul, if not all over the world, and I think it's a very important picture for people to see.

    The woman that is pictured in the plastic surgery image is actually famous in America as the 'cat woman', gaining that nickname by getting so much plastic surgery that she looks almost like a cat-person hybrid. This is a very powerful image because a lot of the time, people will only look at the positive aspects of plastic surgery, never taking the botched surgeries and injury into account.
