2014년 5월 20일 화요일

Project explanation

The snow white


We want to change the whole stroy so as to showing the women's power in these ages.

1)Basic outline

Our group's goal is to change the story, 'The snow white'. Simply, we want to change the role of the snow white and the prince. In these days, women's power in all areas is being more strong. So we want to say, women no longer is a poor and weak person, so in our new story the prince's characteristic going to be a bit stupid and poor. The witch is the prince's step mother, and she wants her real son going to be a king, the dwarf. So, the snow white is a princess from the other country, and she will save the prince from the witch's bullying, and she will try to let him be a king. In the end, the snow white and the prince will hapilly marry with each other, and the dwart and the witch willl be punished due to their evil deed.


2) My role

I will take the snow white in our video. I am a princess who is smart and clever. So I know the witch's evil plan, and want to save the prince because I don't want to marry with the dwarf. In contrast with the original story, the snows white not just an innocent woman, but she is an elaborate woman to achieve her object.

2014년 4월 29일 화요일

5 Images which have powerful meanings

You can see that women who wearing a Han-bok, which is the Korean traditional costume, so we can recognize she is may be Korean. She is eating instrant noodle, Korean says 'Ramen', which is very cheap, about $1. But on the right side we also can find a Louis Vuitton bag, and a cup of Starbucks coffee as well. Two of them represents the brand-name products. So this image may be critisize the women who eager for fancy things, but no money though. When I saw this image at the first time, I was deeply ashamed for my self. Because sometimes, I also am desire for fancy things even if I am just a student.

The women wearing a Han-bok as well, and generally Han-bok is not that comfortable. Because it is long and little bit thigt. I think this costume means the society's imprisonment or our own limit. But, as you can see she is riding a bike very freely. I think this means she is eager to overcome her hardship. So I realized,  regardless of how hard the society is, we all need to try get over ourself.  This image gave me big courage which I can do anything no matter the external conditions. Love this image.


She is 'Sang-hwa Lee' who is the boastful look in last winter Olympics. She got a gold medal in women 500m speed skating. People maybe just thought 'Oh, she did a great job.' But they can't imagine how hard she tried, practiced before. However, when we see her foots, we can recognized how many times she put time into her practice and how hard her practice was. Because she had callused her feet. After look closely this imagine, I realized that the 'Practice' is invisible thing. I thought even if nobody knows our pain, we need to make a constant effort.
Plastic surgeries have made an women died. These days, all wome want to look more beautiful. May be plastic surgery is one of these days tendency which is not that good. It is not that safe as well, so sometimes it make the patient to be died. I just want to saying, why all of we need to have a plastic surgery, even if all we have our owen charms. I want to persuade all girls who deeply desire to have a plastic surgery that you really don't need to have it. All we are beauiful, have our  own indentity! Please do not consider that have a plastic surgery.
This picture was taken by some photographer, in Seoul. We can see a high buildings and shabby houses at the same time. The high buildings look like very refined and expensive. In contrast, the shabby houses look like very old and cheap. Even if  live in a nearby place, people's quality of life can be very different. Once see this picture, we can recognize how serious the gap between the rich and the poor. I guess it is not just a problem of Korea. Today's lots of countries all have this problem, and we can't ignore this problem. This picture maybe want to warn us that we need to think about the redistribution of wealth. I felt many things after had a look this picture. I think we should do something for hele them who live in a shabby house. Seriously, what can we do? Or the goverment must make some laws about this problem and try to do resolve this. 

2014년 4월 15일 화요일

Let's talk about International marriage.

Hello all my world wide friends.
Thanks for clicking my post first.
In today's globalized world, International marriage is quite common over the world.

So, the basic purpose of my post is to give some information about International marriage. I want to evaluate and share my own opinion as well about International relationship.

Does anyone have thought about an International marriage before? 

Firstly, what is the International marriage? 
It simply means a marriage between two people from different countries.
There are many kinds of International marriage, but at this moment, I just want to talk about the marriage which based on sincere love, not about for personal gain, for example, get a permanent residency or get a job in other country and for make some money in other country.

As the world economy developed, lots of people enjoy their travel to other country in their vacation, someone would like to get a job in other country, some students might be want to study abroad. Overall, all we have get lots of opportunity to go abroad, and in the meantime someone could find their fiancé.

Then let's talk about good points of International marriage. 

First, we can learn and understand partner’s cultural difference.
Marriage means two people have to live together, and they naturally acquire new culture which means can get to have wider understanding of their cultures. We also can be a more globalized person than others.

Second, your children can be a perfect bilingual.
Now a days, speak foreign language can be a one's strength.
Your children can learn at least two languages without any extra lesson.
You don’t have to worry about how to teach them foreign language.
Being bilingual could be a great asset when he or she gets a job.

Third, you may have got many friends who have different nationality.
If you need to live in your partner’s country, you would adjust there life, meet new people and be a friend with them. If you are outgoing person, it would be easier to you.

But, it has bad points as well.

First, I said that we can learn and understanding partner's cultural difference is a good point. But, ironically it could be a bad point as well.
Sometimes, cultural difference and language barrier can be frustrating.
Two of them have grown up in the very different cultural background about thirty years. And it’s a hard thing that learns the other's culture in a short time.
The difference of that could produce misunderstanding.
Badly, if you are not quite good at your partner's language, this situation will get serious.

Second, one of the two has to live away from their own family and country.
And they will miss their family or friend and feel loneliness in a new society, it obviously can be a really hard to overcome to them. It might be a big stress to them.
Plus, in abroad, it’s hard to find truly delicious your local food restaurant. So, you will miss your local food.

Until now, we have talked about the good and bad points about the International marriage. 

And now, I'd like to talk about my own opinion about this. 

Even if International marriage has some bad points though, but I still think that if two people sincerely love each other, they absolutely can overcome some hardships which expected.
I believe that time resolve everything. As, time goes passes they become accustomed to the other's culture, and the bad points would be disappear gradually. We need to admit that it is very natural that two different cultures will crash. I prepared a video about cultural crashes.

So, do you think what my recommendation is?
I think International marriage is a good thing and I sincerely would like to recommend it to all of you. The big reason that supports it is I also have a kind of relationship.

I wish more and more people get to find their lover who has different nationality, and you guys can more mature in the process of your relationship.

2014년 4월 4일 금요일

Restaurant review

Restaurant review
Hi guys!
Today I want to share some information about the delicious restaurant for Hanyang University's student.
But if you are not a student of our university, it doesn't matter as well because our Uni is located on central of Seoul, and it is easy to find:)
So, dear my all school mates ! Have you ever worried about decide where to go when you want to eat some  nice pasta and steak? I am a pasta lover which I said on my self introduction and I've been lots of pasta restaurant which located nearby our school and I think here is the BEST restaurant I have  ever been !
The name of this restaurant is 'Gorgeous kitchen'.
It is located on the middle of Hanyang univ. st. and Wangsimli st.
You just need to walk about 5mins from each station. It is located next to 'Urban farm'.
When you find out this sign, please get into there!!!!
I love the interior of there, it makes me feel comfortable. Very modern design and cozy atmosphere.

So I know you guys are curious about the menu.
Here is it!
Basically, they have Pilaff, Pasta, Steak and Pizza.
I have tried all of them and I think the Carbonara is the best menu of  here.
You might be think the price of  here is little bit expensive, but you don't have to worry.
Because one menu is serve for two people.
So when you go there with one friend, you guys just need to order one menu.  It would be makes you super full. haha
Here's the photo of  there.
OH OH OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the gorgeous pasta. How come you couldn't come to there?
It is the super basic rule of our university to go there and enjoy your nice meal <3
So, If you would like to enjoy your nice time with your lover of friend, (Of course with delicious food) I sincerely want to recommend this restaurant.  If you don't know with whom go there, please reply on this post and Let's enjoy the nice food together!!!!!

2014년 3월 30일 일요일


Do you like amusement park?
Are you thinking about where to go on your holiday?
I know a special park, and really want to recommend to you :)
Have you guys heard of a MOVIE WORLD before?
I guess you never heard of it. Then, have you ever heard of a Warner Brothers before? It’s famous movie company, you guys already have seen lots of their movie I think, and the movie world is their subsidiary company. It is located at Gold coast, Australia. It’s a popular movie related theme park.
here's the admission price.
One day ticket for adult :89.99$ (Australian dollar)
Annual pass for adult : 99.99$
So, if you are local or you could go there more than two times per year, get an annual pass would be better better better! i
here's the map of movie world.
It has 7 interesting trills and I tried all of them. I think they are amazing!!!!
My favorite one is Super man excape !!!!
it really scares me, but I still love this one.
If you'd love to enjoy adventurous thing, I sincery recommend try this one!!
Warner bros has lots of famous character.
I guess you guys all have heard Bugs, Tweety, Superman, and Batmen and so on.
Amazingly they comes around the park every hour and you can take an awesmoe photo with them <3
But the most special thing in Movie world is they have a parade once a day.
It is 30mins at one time. and you can see all of their chatracters at one time.
 They are dancing and singing on the parade!!
It is the most big reason that I love movie world.
                  So, if you feel boring in your daily routine,
why don't you go to movie world with your friends of family,
and make an unforgettable memory <3

2014년 3월 25일 화요일

Are you interest in some awesome Korean girl? So why don't you click this?

Hello everyone.

Thank you for clicking my blog first, and if you clicked this because you were simply interest in awesome Korean girl like gorgeous korean singer Girl's generation, I am really sorry about that cause I am not that awesome. I wrote like'Are you interest in some awesome Korean girl?' all because I just want to draw your attention :)

I said I am not that awesome but I am sure I'm a special girl, so the thing  you clicked this blog, that was valuable though. haha

So, who am I ? Let me introduce my self quickly.
I am Min sun, it's my Korean name, and I also have English name, Darleen.
so if it would be hard for you to remember my korean name, Please remember my english name at least ! :)
I live in Seoul ,Korea, which is the capital city in Korea. and I'm a fourth grade student at Hanyang university which located in Seoul as well.

Do you guys love to going travel to outward? I actually do. It could be called that the first thing  what I love in my life. I've been lots of countries in the world, china, japan which are little bit close from korea as well, also have been to America ,Australia and eight countries in Europe.
I think go travelling is the best way that relieve our stress which came from our daily routine. when we go to travel, we don't need to worry about our daily life right?
what we have to do is just enjoy that moment, make new friends who came from different countries and talk with them. you can enjoy something delicious food such as famous for there local people. So how could you don't like go to travel?

The second thing I'd love to is taking a selfie <3
when I hang out with my friends I really took thousands of selfie. and before I go out, I took a lots of selfie as well. my friends call me 'Queen of Selfie' and I admitted it. hahahahaha. It really is my life. If somebody let me stop take a selfie, I CAN'T LIVE ANYMORE. !! really love it !
Lastly, I am a super pasta lover . I can eat this like every single day happily.
when I go out with friends, I eat cream pasta usually 
and at home, I also can make cream past all by my self.
so If you guys also love to eat pasta, why don't you be a friend with me 
and we can enjoy that everyday!!!!!!!!!hehe